2. ágúst 2023

Þátttaka í verkefninu "Lighthouse keepers"

Umboðsmaður barna tók þátt í verkefninu Lighthouse-keepers: Business and Human Rights Cooperation Network sem leitt var af "Polish institute for human rights and business".

Tilgangur verkefnisins, sem nú er lokið, var að stofna tengslanet sérfræðinga á sviði viðskipta og mannréttinda og vekja athygli á stöðu þeirra mála í Mið- og Austur-Evrópu og Mið-Asíu. Verkefnið var leitt af Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PIHRB) Aðrir samstarfsaðiliar voru: 

Í þessum bæklingi má finna nánari upplýsingar um verkefnið og helstu niðurstöður. 

About the Lighthouse project

The objective of the project was to create and develop a network of BHR experts and
to raise awareness of business and human rights in the region of Central and
Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
The project was led by the Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business (PIHRB),
joined by: 

In this booklet we have assembled the key publications and teaching resources
available to all who would like to deepen their understanding of human rights in the
business context.

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